Southwest Guilford High School HOSA State Conference

In March of 2018, Southwest Guilford High School students had a very successful HOSA State Conference.

Here are some of their accomplishments:

  1. The following students are qualified to attend HOSA’s International Conference in Texas from Jun27-July 1st:

    Bea Calwitan and Victoria Nguyen – 1st Place (Health Care Career Display)

    Bianca Vergel de Dios – 3rd Place (Extemporaneous Poster)

  2. Top 10 Finalists for their events:

    Kathryn Swaim

    Jessica Cook

    Nicholas Crawford

    Cody Shina

    Amy Madrigal

    Kristine Starks

    Javier Gonzalez

    Helen Solomon

    Emma Sikes

    Aditi Shah

    Alyssa Bokiagon

    Sebastian Sanchez

    McKenzie Criswell

    Shaini Lal

  3. HOSA Reflection was awarded to Sarah Crawford
  4. Nita Canon received Gold Star Advisor Award

Congratulations, everyone!