The Enrichment Fund provides assistance, through the schools, to individual Guilford County students with financial needs that might prevent participation in overnight school trips. In 2024-2025, the Enrichment Fund will consider scholarship applications for any educational field trip destination within a 500 mile radius of Guilford County.
Please note our second funding deadline has passed. Applicants will be notified shortly of their funding status. The next funding cycle will be in the 2025-2026 school year.
General Information
Teachers must apply on behalf of students. Individual students or their guardians should not submit applications. Please note that teachers can include up to 25 individual students on an application.
Please coordinate with your colleagues on ONE application if more than one class is participating in the program. Combined totals may improve chances of receiving school assistance.
Scholarships for overnight group field trips are only available for destinations within 500 miles of Guilford County.
Individual students may receive up to 50% of the per-person cost (up to $100) for an overnight field trip.
Applications may be submitted for students enrolled in grades K-12 in the Guilford County school system.
Teachers are asked to apply for scholarships for only the students with the greatest financial need. Barring extraordinary circumstances, applications for students with an annual family income of more than $40,000 (i.e., above the threshold for free and reduced lunch) should not be submitted. Please note funding is not guaranteed even for students with family incomes below $40,000.
Seniors are not eligible for scholarships for programs occurring after graduation.
A maximum of $2000 in scholarship funds will be awarded per field trip per school.
Scholarship funds will be awarded until the funds budgeted for the year are depleted. Awards may be for less than $100 depending on the number of applications received in a funding cycle.
Application Deadlines
November 1 and January 15
Only overnight field trips that are scheduled more than one month after a submission deadline will be considered for funding. For example, if you are applying before the November 1 deadline, the trip must be after December 1. You will be notified of a funding decision within three business days of the posted deadlines.
Application Requirements
Teachers should complete the online Field Trip Detail Report and Student Information section.
Within 45 days after the field trip, the Enrichment Fund must receive:
1. A detailed list of the scholarship recipients with the amount granted to each student and the amount of scholarship money used for each student.
2. A check for the total amount of all unused scholarship funds.
If a school fails to comply with these requirements, it will be barred from consideration for future scholarships for at least one year.
Please note that The Enrichment Fund requests trip pictures that can be posted on our website. Please send photos to:
Any questions about the overnight field trip scholarships should be e-mailed to with the school’s name and field trip destination in the subject line.